The small quaint town of Holly came alive with characters from Charles Dickens. I swore we had stepped into one of his books! The music that was being played was of the times of Dickens. I am sure these Dickens characters were glad they had that extra clothing on, as it was so cold! I think it would be fun to dress up like that for a day!
The streets were lined with several Antique shops and beautiful Victorian architecture. We enjoyed browsing through the shops, and going down memory lane. I told my friend, that I can't believe that some of the stuff we see now in Antique stores, we used to have ourselves as kids!
My friend's husband thinks he looks so cool in those sunglasses and Santa hat! He's cute, though, isn't he? As he was leaning against the building, I thought to myself, good thing the sidewalk wasn't slippery! He sure would have slipped!
After the festival, we headed towards Frankenmuth for their famous chicken dinner at the Bavarian Inn! Oh, it was so good!
Even though it was so cold outside, we couldn't resist taking a walk to see the beautiful lights on the streets of Frankenmuth. Horse drawn carriages were going up and down the streets. Oh how I love to hear those clip clop sounds the horse hoofs makes! The trees on the streets were all lit up. It was so pretty.
The Nativity and the Bethlehem scenes looked so pretty against the darkened sky.
My dear friend, Annette and her hubby Dan. Many thanks to Annette for sharing these pictures!
Me and the love of my life, Gerry!